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MUSIK AT HOME PIANO : Musik at Home Academy


Get unlimited access to this wonder-filled piano course for ages 5-10 in the Musik at Home Academy including immediate access to both Practice Books.

$199 - 1 year access

$159 with code ARTKIT -1 year access

No recurring fees

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Making music is an incredibly enjoyable activity. It should never be dull or boring! Our method is based on the research of Dr. Edwin Gordon who, for over 50 years, studied the ways children intuitively learn music.

With Piano Lessons based on Dr. Gordon's Music Learning Theory, Your child will learn music the way we learn language, sound before sight with exciting themes to enliven their growing imagination. Picture your child creating, composing and experiencing all of the joys and benefits of learning an instrument with Musik at Home piano lessons.

Here's what's so amazing about our piano program inside the Musik at Home Academy:

1) Save thousands of dollars in private studio fees while giving your child access to meaningful, high quality music instruction.

2) Enjoy building a lasting relationship with your child through music! No musical background required.

3) Watch your child's musical development soar with new piano skills!

4) Equip your child with skills for a lifetime of meaningful, musical understanding.


Get the Launch Sale Introductory Price

Now through 1/6/24


With Musik at Home Piano Lessons, your child will learn music from the inside out!

Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures is a piano course unlike any other! Instead of being asked to decode music off of a page, your child will begin by experiencing the music from the inside out. Your child's imagination will grow through our unique method that begins with stories children love and then introduces music to build on the themes in the stories.

Rhythm and Melody are at the heart of every song. In order to play with understanding, we take apart the pieces of the song by chanting the rhythm patterns and singing the tonal patterns and then put them back together to play the song with ease and skill.

  • Captivate your child's imagination with exciting new music!
  • Understand how to make music at the piano to be able to play with creativity and expression!
  • Learn rhythm and melody the intuitive way so practicing will be fun and not a chore
  • Give your child the chance to thrive in music with lessons that teach music from the inside out through audiation, an internal understanding of music.
Get INSTANT Access for 1 year with NO recurring fees!

Here's what one satisfied mom has to say about Musik at Home

You'll get unlimited access to music education on the web, mobile app, Amazon Fire TV & Apple TV.


  • Unlimited Access to THE ENTIRE COURSE FOR AGES 5-10 on the web, mobile app, Amazon Fire TV and Apple TV.
  • Enchanting and engaging video lessons with Kathryn Brunner and one of her daughters, which leads children in using their imaginations to explore Nordic themes in children's literature and provides musical experiences away from the piano first and then at the piano with exciting music newly composed for this course.
  • Access to all the new music as listening tracks to prepare the ear for learning the music
  • Practice tracks for practicing the songs from the lesson
  • Bonus video mini-lessons
  • Access to Practice Books for all the material covered in the video lessons. Lesson plans, book lists, music scores, daily practice prompts, movement activities, listening activities, rhythm activities, writing activities, keyboard geography activities, drawing activities, improvisation activities, book write-up pages found in the Practice Book

Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Piano Lessons are perfect for you if you identify with any of the following:

  • Your child loves music and wants to learn how to play the piano.
  • You need a music program for your child's well rounded education.
  • You want an easy way to access music education classes.
  • Piano lessons in a traditional setting were not a good fit, too expensive or too far away.
  • You are ready to invest in your child's music education.
  • You've been waiting to find an affordable music program.
  • You are ready to see your child's musical development soar!
Buy Musik at Home Piano Lessons with $40 off!

Here's what you'll experience!



I'm Kathryn Brunner, and my goal is to help you give your child an affordable, high quality foundation in music.

I help parents capture the critical period for their child's music aptitude by providing quality instructional videos that come as close to an in-person experience as possible.

Musik at Home classes strengthen brain development, confidence, emotional stability, and relationships while giving your child the tools to meaningfully interact with music throughout life (and even get a better job). 

I've been teaching piano and early childhood music for more than twenty years. In Musik at Home classes, I bring all of my expertise with me to give your child an enriching musical experience.

While some of my students have worked hard enough to grace Carnegie Hall, my number one goal is to give students skills they can use to make music they enjoy. I strive to instill a love for music in every student I teach.

With Musik at Home Piano Lessons, you'll enjoy bonding with your child over music with unlimited access to interactive musical activities including singing songs, rhythm activities, and imaginative musical stories that engage your child's mind in preparation for a lifetime of making meaningful music.

How did Musik at Home come about?

In addition to being a music educator, I'm a song writer, recording artist and a home educating mom. I founded Musik at Home not because it would be easy for me to film and produce high quality music education videos, but because I couldn't contain my passion for spreading the joy of music education.

Here's how it all started. And, as a mom trying to juggle it all, I found it extremely challenging to make music lesson plans when my kids were little. I wanted to give them access to all of the benefits of music education, but I found that I just could not juggle it all. I talked to friends and found out I wasn't the only one struggling with this gap between what I wanted for my children and what I was able to give them.

When my second daughter was 2 months old, I knew I had to do something to ensure she would have consistent access to music education, and for many reasons, I needed it to be at home.

Then the "Aha!" moment came!

My vision to create an online platform for music education was so clear and a passion to make it happen followed instantaneously.

So, with my love for music education, I put all the energy I had during my kids' naps, between making meals, and when I wasn't teaching in my piano studio to plan ready-made, click and go music lesson plans that are accessible to parents anywhere, anytime.

I hired professional videographers to help me make the classes come to life. I include kids in almost every class I film because I believe your kids should have classmates!

I've put the classes online, making them accessible on mobile and TV apps to make life easier parents juggling all the things!

I know what it's like to be a mom trying to balance it all.

With Musik at Home, you don't have to have a strong background in music. You simply have to have a desire to help your child succeed in music.

How did Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Piano Lessons come about?

When my oldest daughter turned 5, she couldn't wait to start piano lessons. I began teaching her the beautiful method I had taught my own students for years. At the same time, we were reading incredibly imaginative literature in our homeschool. As we were making music every day together in my home, I began to see how literature can light up a child's musical imagination. I began bringing themes of literature into my piano lessons with her.

Her love for piano, literature and composing took off!

Soon my second daughter began piano lessons with me and I could see that all of the imaginative, musical play we had done together around themes in literature and poetry was coming alive in the music she created at the piano.

It was astonishing.

That's when everything clicked.

I realized that I too was mesmerized by the stories I was reading to my own children. My own imagination was on fire and the desire to express my own musical ideas was uncontainable.

I began writing songs to go with the stories we loved, and I saw that many of them had a common thread of Nordic themes.

That's how Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures came to life!

In this curriculum, I have taken my 20+ years of piano teaching experience, put it together with my homeschooling experience, sprinkled in my passion for imaginative experiences, and opened up the door to creative, improvisational piano playing.

I've based my teaching sequence in this curriculum largely on Dr. Edwin Gordon's profound research on the ways children intuitively learn music.

Music education isn't just another box to check. It is the one subject that lights up your child's brain like no other subject can.

It strengthens academic skills in all subjects by establishing faster, more creative pathways in the brain and developing a stronger working memory.

Don't wait another day, month or year to give your child the chance to succeed in music!

Learn Piano While Exploring Nordic Themes Kids Love!


Practice Book, Unit 1.

With Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Piano Lessons, you'll travel the world with music and literature, experiencing our unique method that teaches children music from the inside out, the way the brain intuitively wants to learn it.

In Unit 1, you'll meet polar bears, arctic foxes, puffins and the Swedish Tomten and Dala Horse. You'll take a journey to other places and times through singing, rhythm, chanting, and navigating the geography of the piano while exploring the geography, wildlife and habitats of the Nordic countries.

This curriculum is based on Music Learning Theory developed by Dr. Gordon. 

This Piano Practice Book begins with an introduction edited by Marilyn Lowe, author of Music Moves for Piano in conjunction with Dr. Edwin E. Gordon. It includes daily practice prompts with listening, rhythm, tonal, improvisation, notation, composition, and performance activities. The daily practice prompts are designed to be completed after students have completed the video lesson in the Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Course found here

This is a printable, digital product that contains 105 pages.

Included with your purchase of Musik at Home Piano Lessons

Practice Book, Unit 2.

Continue the adventure with Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Piano Lessons Unit 2!

Meet trolls, puffins and sail on a viking ship! In Unit 2, you'll travel the world with music and literature, experiencing our unique method that teaches children music from the inside out, the way the brain intuitively wants to learn it. You'll take a journey to more Nordic places and times through singing, rhythm, chanting, and navigating the geography of the piano while exploring the geography, wildlife and habitats of the Nordic countries.

This piano curriculum is based on Music Learning Theory developed by Edwin E. Gordon. It includes daily practice prompts with listening, rhythm, tonal, improvisation, notation, composition, and performance activities. The daily practice prompts are designed to be completed after students have completed the video lesson in the Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Course

This is a printable, digital product that contains 114 pages.


We've got A's for your Q's

What ages is Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures appropriate for?

Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures is recommended for children ages 5-10. If your child has never had experience with structured, music education classes, please see our pre-requisite information below.

Do the Practice Books come with my purchase of Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures?

Yes! The course is divided into two units. Unit 1 covers lessons 1-4. Unit 2 covers lessons 5-8. When you purchase one year access to this course in the Musik at Home Academy, the Practice Books are included (Regular Price $22 each).

Is there a prerequisite for Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures?

Yes, but it will depend on your child's age and readiness!

For students ages 5-7 who have not yet taken structured music education classes, we recommend starting with our course Family Music for Ages 4-7 to gain a strong rhythmic and tonal foundation. Family Music for Ages 4-7 is accessible with a Musik at Home Membership (Piano Lessons are included with the membership also, so you could try both!).

However, if your 5-6 year old can sing on pitch, tap rhythm to the beat, and is eager to begin learning the piano, then we encourage you to jump in without the prerequisite. Students 8-10 years old can complete the course without the prerequisite.

How much do I have to participate with my child?

You are your child's real-life in-person guide through this course. We recommend being with your child as much as possible. Musik at Home is on a mission to help parents deepen their relationship with their child through music. If you do not have time to take your child through this course, ask an older sibling or caregiver to take on the role as your child's guide. A 9 or 10 year old will be able to take on more independence with this course, but we still recommend a grown up be present as much as possible.

The parent's role is to:

1. Get the children's literature book from the library or from the store.

2. Print out the Practice Book.

3. Make a piano available for your child to use (preferably with 88 keys).

4. Schedule your piano lesson time on your calendar.

5. Be present with your child for 20-30 minutes while watching the videos or helping your child follow the Daily Practice Prompts.

How long does it take to do this curriculum?

This curriculum is a “go at your own pace” curriculum. It is fathoms deep as far as how much time kids want to spend on each activity.

Long track with Flex Time

If you want to stretch this curriculum out over the course of a year, here’s an example of how it could be paced out.

There are 8 lessons. Each lesson could take up to 6 weeks to complete if you do 30-45 minutes per week. For 8 lessons, that's 48 weeks.

Week 1:
Spend 20 minutes reading the picture book.
Spend 5 minutes listening to the music that goes with the story and lesson material.
Spend 20 minutes completing a lesson video.

All of the above could be done the first day or spread out on multiple days.

Weeks 2-6:
Begin using the daily practice prompts from the Practice Book to expand upon what was taught in the video lesson.

There are 5 days of comprehensive practice prompts that follow each video lesson.

It takes 30-40 minutes to complete all of the activities one daily practice prompt. You could do all 30-40 minutes in one sitting, or spread out the activities over the week by doing 10-15 minutes at a time. You can make it flex with your schedule.

If you stick with this routine, the max time it would take to complete the course is 48 weeks.  

Short Track with Repetition

If you want to complete all 8 lessons and Daily Practice Prompts from the Practice Book in one semester over 4 months, here is an example of how it could be paced out with 20-30 minutes per day.

Weekly Schedule:

Day 1

Spend 20 minutes reading the picture book.
Spend 5 minutes listening to the music that goes with the story and lesson material.

Day 2

Spend 20 minutes completing a lesson video.

Spend 10 minutes starting Day 1 of the Daily Practice Prompts

Day 3

Spend 20-30 minutes working through the Daily Practice Prompts

Day 4

Spend 20-30 minutes working through Daily Practice Prompts

Day 5

Repeat the 20 minute lesson video and work through 10 minutes of Daily Practice Prompts

Continue working through the Daily Practice Prompts for the next 5 days (they are super fun!!). Then move on to the next lesson.

This short track would entail 2 weeks per lesson for a total of 16 weeks to complete the course.

Our recommendation would be to go back and repeat the lesson videos as often as you'd like!

You will be amazed at your child's newfound skills.

For example, many students are able to teach themselves songs from the course that were not specifically modeled in the video lessons simply because they are given the skills to know how to listen to music and play it by ear. This is our secret goal for every student!

What will my child learn in this course?

In the Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures Piano Course, your child will learn how to:
✓Imagine and act out musical stories
✓Sing melody and harmony
✓Chant rhythm patterns
✓Echo tonal patterns in major, minor, dorian, phrygian, lydian, mixolydian and locrian tonalities.
✓Echo rhythm patterns in duple and triple meter.
✓Find the resting tone of songs in all tonalities
✓Recognize different parts of the piano
✓Create music in all registers of the piano
✓Play songs on the black keys and the white keys
✓Play songs in major and minor tonalities
✓Play songs in duple and triple meter
✓Improvise their own music
✓Create their own musical stories
✓Perform their own musical stories
✓Play pentascales and one octave scales
✓Play chordal accompaniment with a melody
✓Compose lyrics
✓Compose music
✓Play along with orchestrated music
✓Recognize rhythm and tonal notation
✓Follow along with music notation while listening to the music
✓Draw music notation
✓Perform their very own recital

Will my child learn to read music in Creative Keys: Nordic Adventures?

Your child will make great strides down the path of music literacy in this course. Your child will learn to recognize and draw note parts. They will learn to recognize and draw rhythm notation in both duple and triple meter. Your child will copy and interact with tonal notation on the treble clef staff, and will learn to identify notation in the bass clef.

This course aims to give your child a robust understanding of how rhythm and melody come together to form the songs we love and enjoy.

Students who complete the videos and Practice Book Material with rigor will be equipped to understand how to interact with music notation.

Reading music fluently take abstract thinking. Abstract thinking kicks in around age 10-11 for most children. This course sets students up to move seamlessly into the abstract thinking phase with music notation.

What are the books that are the basis of the lesson themes for Creative Keys: Nordic Adventured?

The reading list is found in the Practice Book. All of the children's literature books that are a part of this curriculum are accessible at the library or easy to purchase on Amazon. Authors such as Jan Brett, Astrid Lindgren and the D'aulaires are included in the reading list. Amazon links are included in the reading list.

Do the Children's Literature Books come with the program?

No. We supply the book list and you can find them at your library or purchase them. The book list is included in the Practice Books. If you were to purchase all eight books on Amazon, the total would be around $110. Most of the books are classics! You will love having them in your home library for your child to read again and again!